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Howard Elementary School

Howard Elementary Week-At-A-Glance for May 13-17,2024

Posted Date: 5/13/24 (4:00 PM)

Hello Howard Families, 


Here is our quick Week-At-A-Glance for what’s going on at Howard this week, May 13th-May 17th, 2024.



LINK HERE to review previous weeks morning announcements.

Lane Arts Council Ceramics Experience for All Students!

Lane Arts Council Teaching Artist Andrea DiPalma will bring her Creativity through Clay residency to the students at Howard Elementary. Within this residency, students will create 3- dimensional animal portraits to last a lifetime. Students will produce either a glazed and fired ceramic animal face, finger puppet, or miniature sculpture. Ask your student to tell you about their experience! FLYER LINKED HERE.

Oregon State Testing Continues for 3rd-5th Grades

Our 3rd-5th graders will continue their annual Oregon Statewide Assessment System tests in reading and math this week (5th grade also has science). It is very important our students come to school well rested and eat a good breakfast each morning in order to focus and do well on these assessments. These are critical measurements to see how much our students have learned and achieved academically this year. We appreciate everyone’s help ensuring our students do their best on these assessments!

Parent and Family Engagement Survey

We appreciate your feedback in our school district’s annual parent and family engagement survey. Here are the links for this year’s surveys:

The Spanish language survey is linked from the English version posted above, or here is a direct link for it too:

Kelly Middle School Summer Program for incoming 6th graders

We invite your student to participate in our Kelly Middle School Summer Program for 2024. This FREE program provides hands-on, project-based instruction and activities that focus on building community.

Our program will include reading, arts, music, science, and Spanish Immersion language practice that will support student successes in 2024-25 and beyond.

Kelly Middle School teachers plan to welcome incoming grade 6 students for an "introduction to middle school success" program for learning and summer FUN! 

Monday July 8:  Program begins 

5-week program July 8 – August 8 (Monday-Thursday)

AM Academic and Enrichment 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

July 19 and August 2 Friday excursions (OPTIONAL for students)

August 8:  End of program celebration with students and families

There is NO Charge for this summer program. For students in the Kelly attendance area, bus transportation will be provided. Daily breakfast and lunch provided

Formulario de interés del programa de verano Kelly 2024

2024 Kelly Summer Program Interest Form

The Howard End-of-Year Carnival!

The carnival will be Saturday, June 1st from 11:00am-2:00pm. The number of games/activities we have will depend on the number of volunteers who sign up. It might seem early to sign up to volunteer, but it will really help with planning if we know how many volunteers to expect. Every volunteer gets a free activity bracelet per shift worked. Middle schoolers and high schoolers are welcome to sign up as well!

What’s for student lunches this week?

5/13, Monday – Pizza

5/14, Tuesday – Pasta

5/15, Wednesday – Quesadillas

5/16, Thursday – Huli Huli Chicken

5/17, Friday – Hot dog


Students also have access to a full salad bar including fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Here is the LINK TO OUR DISTRICT NUTRITION SERVICES MENU to see the meal options for students.


Upcoming Dates to Remember:

5/24, Friday - Community Day! Wear your favorite team shirt or jersey!

5/27, Monday - No School (Memorial Day holiday)

5/30, Thursday - Golden Apple Awards at ATA Middle school (5:30pm)

6/1, Saturday - Howard Carnival from 11am-2pm

6/6, Thursday - Howard Field Day!

6/7, Friday - No School for Students (Grading Day for Teachers)

6/12, Wednesday - PTO Meeting at 6:00pm in the library

6/14, Friday - Last day of school for students

Please remember we have Early Release at 1:10pm every Wednesday.


That’s it for this week! Please remember to “BEEP! BEEP! Be a reader, and be your best!”

Charlie Jett, Principal