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Back to School

2024-2025 Back-to-School Year Information

Below is information about how the pick-up and drop-off will works, as well as some key dates to put on your calendar. Later we’ll include links to all our back-to-school information that will be emailed to families.

Drawing of four colorful cars in a line


Student Pick-Up/Drop-Off

Morning Drop Off: We have two options if you’re dropping off your student. Please choose the option that meets your and your student’s needs.

  • Park and Walk Up: Students who need more time or help getting out of the car, those who want a hug good-bye, parents who want to get out of their car, or parents who want to watch their student walk into the building should park in the parking lot in the mornings and walk their students through the parking lot. Students should not walk through the parking lot alone.
  • Drop Off Loop: Use the drop off loop if your student can exit your car quickly and safely on their own. Parents must remain in their vehicles and pull away as soon as their student has stepped away from the car. Students must exit the right (passenger) side of the vehicle next to the curb. Do not allow students to step out into the drive-through loop. To keep the flow of traffic moving, cars should be stopped in the drop off lane for no more than about 30 seconds. 

NO PARKING IS ALLOWED IN THE DROP OFF LOOP. If you need to exit your vehicle, please pull into a marked parking spot.

NO DROP-OFFS IN THE PARKING LOT: For student safety, we are no longer allowing students to be dropped off in the front row of the parking lot. Please use the drop off loop only.


Afternoon Pick Up:

Park and Meet the Teacher: 

  • REQUIRED FOR KINDER & FIRST GRADE STUDENTS WHO ARE PICKED UP. Parents of Kinder and 1st grade students must park and walk up to their student’s teacher. Staff must see you and connect you with your student. Please meet the K-1 teachers at the poles in front of the building.
  • 2nd-5th Grade: Please use this option if your student likes to socialize after school, if you’d like to check in with your student’s teacher, or if your student needs help getting into your vehicle or buckling up.

Park & Meet the Teacher = Use a parking spot. No parking in the drive-through or pick up loop.

  • Pick Up Loop (2nd-5th Graders ONLY): This option is for parents who don’t mind waiting in line and students who can enter their vehicle quickly and independently. Students must be able to buckle themselves independently as parents in the pick up loop must remain in their vehicles.
    • Parents wait in their vehicles behind the cones in the hashmarked area against the curb in the pick up loop. (yellow ovals on the map below)
    • Students will get in the pick up line to wait for their parents to pull into the pick up zone. (turquoise box on the map below)
    • Cars will pull into the pick up zone 3-5 at a time. If your student is in line when you reach the pick up zone, they will step out of line and into your vehicle. As soon as they are in the car and buckled, please pull away from the curb to allow the next car to move forward. (green ovals on the map below)
      • If your student is not yet in line when you arrive in the pick up zone, you’ll be asked to go around and get back in line. (This may be frustrating for some, but it keeps our line moving.)
    • No parking is allowed in the loop at any time. If you need to leave your vehicle, use the parking lot.
    • Students may only enter their cars when they are in the pick up zone. This helps us better ensure their safety.
    • Students must enter the vehicle on the right hand side (passenger) of the vehicle. 
    • Keep the passing lane clear. No parking, stopping, or picking up students in the passing lane (the white arrow on the map below).

Pick Up Loop: Wait against the curb in the loop. Wait your turn to move forward into the pick up zone. Please do not pick students up in the parking lot.

First Days of School

KINDERGARTEN: First day of school is Wednesday, September 4th, 7:55am-1:10pm
GRADES 1 – 5: First day of school is Thursday, September 5th, 7:55am-2:25pm


Kindergarten students do not start with an assigned classroom and class lists are built as we learn more about our students. This year, we are following this schedule:

Students with last names A–L: Attend Sept. 4 (W), 5 (Th), 9th (M), 10th (T), 11th (W)
Students with last name M–Z: Attend Sept. 4 (W), 6 (F), 9th (M), 10th (T), 11th (W)

No Kindergarten Sept. 12th & 13th (parent/teacher conversations)
Regular school schedule begins on Monday, Sept. 16

Kindergarten families should visit the 4J Kindergarten Smart Start Website for details.


To give Howard Families a preview of how the first days of school will look next fall, here is our plan:

  • Doors will open at 7:30 AM
  • Students will go to the cafeteria for breakfast.
  • Kindergartners will stay in their own area. Other grades will go out to the playground when they are finished eating. 
  • The first bell will ring at 7:50. Kindergartners will meet their teachers in the cafeteria. Other grade levels will line up on the playground and wait to be dismissed to class. 1st and 2nd grade classes will be picked-up by their teachers. 
  • Non-classroom staff will be assigned areas around the building to help guide students and families.
  • DISMISSAL NOTE – Kindergartners and 1st graders being picked up by families need to be picked up in person and not from the pause parking area. KG and 1st graders will not be sent to cars on their own.

Clipart of a calendar

Key Dates

  • Friday, Aug. 16 – Office Opens
  • Friday, Aug. 30 @ 3:30 – Class Lists Posted
  • Tuesday, September 2nd – Deadline to enroll and start on first day
  • Tuesday, Sept. 3 – Meet Your Teacher Event (Time TBD)
  • Wednesday, Sept. 4, 7:50 – First Day of School for Kindergarten (dismissed at 1:10pm)
  • Thursday, Sept. 5, 7:50 – First Day of School for 1st-5th graders